Luxury Cat Boarding
Please Read Carefully
KittyWinks Customer Agreement
Vaccine Requirements
Owner will show proof of current rabies and distemper (FVRCP) vaccinations (or vet release from it).
Owner agrees that their cat can be refused, and their deposit forfeited, if they do not follow these rules.
If your cat is found to have fleas, he/she will be treated and the fee for this is $25.
Medical Release
The Safety and well-being of your cat is of the highest importance to us. We strive to ensure that your cat remains safe
and well cared for.
In the event that a medical emergency arises while your cat is in our care OR if your cat is participating in a pre-
arranged medical service we provide, we will secure medical treatment for your cat from one of the following resources:
Wills Point Veterinarian clinic (Dr. Rachel Turner, DVM).
At KittyWinks Cat Boarding for a pre-arranged medical service (topical or oral medication given, fluids given, ear -or-ointment, eye drops, etc...),
From another licensed veterinarian we select.
In the case of an emergency, we will notify the owner after we have secured medical treatment for your cat.
I authorize KittyWinks Cat Boarding, in the event of a medical emergency, to seek medical attention for my cat from
Wills Point Veterinary in Wills Point, Texas or any other licensed veterinarian selected by KittyWinks Cat Boarding.
I further agree that I am financially responsible for any and all costs arising from medical treatment my cat receives
as a result of a medical emergency while using the boarding services provided by KittyWinks Cat Boarding.
Boarding Charges
Boarding charges are incurred on a per day basis.
Your pet must be picked up between 11:00 AM and 3:00 PM, Monday through Friday, and from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM on Saturday.
We are closed to humans on Sunday.
We require the first 3 days of boarding fees to hold your reservation. All customers must have a valid credit card on file to hold a reservation.
If a reservation is cancelled with 5 or more days notice, a $20 service/cancellation fee will be deducted from your
A reservation cancelled with less than five days’ notice will result in full charge of the first 2 days of boarding.
If you do not pick up your pet as planned, and do not communicate with KittyWinks about your choice or inability to do so, KittyWinks is authorized to charge your credit card at twice our daily rate, until pet is retrieved. If your card is no longer valid, you agree to pay this fee, as well as all hard costs KittyWinks may incur for boarding and collection,
including attorney/legal fees. If you do not pick up your pet and are out of contact with KittyWinks for a period of 10 days or more, according to Texas Law your pet is considered abandoned, and you relinquish all ownership rights to Kitty Winks and allow KittyWinks to handle your pet's future in any way that they see fit. You will be responsible for all costs associated with abandonment.
Owner agrees that their cat will arrive flea-free and in a secure carrier or in a harness and leash.
Photographs and Videos
I hereby agree to allow KittyWinks Cat Boarding to take photographs and videos or use photographs and videos of my cat in print form, online, or otherwise for publication and/or promotion.
I Voluntarily assume all risks of illness, disease, or harm that may befall my cat by allowing them to stay at KittyWinks cat boarding.
I approve use of my credit card for deposit, as well as the balance due, including any/all expenses associated with my
cat's stay and care, including emergency vet care and extras, both now and in the future, per KittyWinks Cat
Boarding's policies at the time of each booking I make.